
Childhood vaccination schedule

2 months old – Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis (DTP) Polio + Haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB) (5 in 1), Pneumococcal - 2 injections

3 months old – DTP Polio + HIB (5 in 1), Meningococcal group C (MenC) – 2 injections

4 months old – DTP Polio + HIB (5 in 1), MenC, Pneumococcal – 3 injections

Between 12 and 13 months old – HIB-MenC, Pneumococcal, Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) – 3 injections

3 years 4 months old or soon after – DTP Polio, MMR – 2 injections

Girls aged 12 to 13 years old – Human papillomavirus (HPV)


13 to 18 years old – DT Polio


What to expect after vaccines





HPV Vaccination

This vaccine protects against the two types of the virus that cause most (over 70%) of the cases of cervical cancer.  It does not protect against all of the other types of HPV, so cervical screening (smear tests) still needs to be carried out in the future.



We recommend a tetanus booster every 10 years.



Vaccine is available every year from October. We encourage older patients, particularly those over 65 years, pregnant women, carers, and those with chronic illness to be vaccinated every year.  We will invite you in writing for your vaccination to dedicated flu vaccine clinics.