Practice Policies

Data Protection. . . 

Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Chaperone Policy. . .

Intimate examinations can be embarrassing or distressing for patients and, wherever possible, the GP/nurse will offer the patient the security of having an impartial observer ('chaperone') present during an intimate examination.  This applies whether or not the GP/nurse is the same gender as the patient.

A record will be kept of any discussion about chaperones and its outcome. If a chaperone is present, this will be recorded, together with a note of their identity.

Zero Tolerance. . .

We have a zero tolerance policy for verbal or physical abuse of staff or aggressive behaviour within the practice.  Aggressive behaviour includes bad language, aggressive gestures and physical contact.  Any abuse of staff is unacceptable and will lead to removal of the patient from our list.

Defamation. . .

We ask that patients and staff exercise sound judgement when posting comments online, for example on social networking sites, and avoid making gratuitous, unsubstantiated or unsustainable negative comments about individuals or organisations. Please be aware that defamation law can apply to any comments posted on the web, irrespective of whether they are made in a personal or professional capacity. Defamation is the act of making an unjustified statement about a person or organisation that is considered to harm their reputation.

Suggestions and Complaints. . .

We welcome constructive comments and suggestions for improving our practice. 

Please email us at or put your message in writing to our practice manager, Jean Stevenson.

There is a complaints procedure within the practice; should you wish to complain please contact the practice manager.  Your complaint will then be dealt with quickly and efficiently.